The Royal Oak Hotel – Parramatta Light Rail Project

Project Details
- Location 387 Church Street, Parramatta
- Duration 4 weeks
Perfect Contracting was contracted by our client CPB/Downer to undertake a full building demolition as part of our Parramatta Light Rail Infrastructure project. Building387 Church Street, Parramatta needed to be demolished, the overall height of the building was 10Lm high. The entire structure of the building consisted of double brick walls with timber floors.
The stable, which is part of the building is heritage listed and had to be retained. The contractor confined all works. Safety signage applied all over site with road and pedestrian traffic taken into consideration. All services disconnected and certificated issued prior to any demolition works commencing.
Demolition works started with the removal of all hazardous waste, removing all non/friable asbestos and lead paint as per report. All internal strip out works were completed after the removal of hazardous waste, including all materials that cannot be recycled.
Following the internal strip out full hotel demolition took place, using a 5T/8T excavator which was floated into the job site from Ross St. The excavator was used to demolish the existing court yard area. Which then acted as an access to load out of all the material from the soft and mechanical Demolition. The building is a free-standing structure which was not connected to any other structures being demolished.
Once all the material was cleared from site, which then acted as access for bogies / 10 Wheelers to load out the material from site. The external awning was then demolished during a road closure on night shift, two EWPs were used to demolish and remove the material off site. A ticketed demolition supervisor was on site to observe all demolition works being taken out.
All rubbish disposal was handled including the separation of materials to go to respective recycling centres. Dust suppression techniques were put in place for this project, such as water cannons, sprinklers and sprinklers attached to hammers.
Using team work and communication between all operators, labourers and supervisor. We were able to complete the demolition in a timely manner.