
Perfect has the extensive experience this challenging and demanding environment requires.

Perfect has worked on rail projects since 2009. Along the way we’ve learnt a lot of hard lessons, and while at the time they were tough – they forged an expertise that only experience can bring. From detailed engineered demolitions such as stair removals from stations to entire platforms as part of the Sydney Metro project. Perfect has the knowledge, experience and expertise to complete any project within the rail corridor.

rail demolition sydney


Detailed Demolition

Perfect Contracting provides comprehensive detailed demolition services all over Sydney and greater NSW.

Structural Demolition

With modern technology and engineering methodologies, Perfect can carry out complex structural demolition.

Concrete Penetrations

Perfect has extensive experience when it comes to carrying out concrete penetrations in the rail sector.

Hazmat Removal

Perfect Contracting can carry out Friable Asbestos removal projects all across Sydney and greater NSW.

Structural Propping

Perfect Contracting provides integrated structural propping services, including engineering and installation.

Wet Hire

Perfect Contracting offers our entire fleet of specialised machinery for wet hire in Sydney.

Featured projects

Blue Mountains Route Clearence


When Continuum Alliance needed a demolition and construction contractor to perform works for the BMRC, the Perfect Contracting name was at the top of the list.

Due to the kinetic envelope of the new trains requiring platform width amendments in preparation for the new intercity fleet from Central to Lithgow, two crucial tasks were set – station cutbacks and station buildouts. The former required trimming back sections of the existing platform to clear the new, wider trains. The latter required installing pre-cast concrete panels to ‘build out’ sections of the platform to bridge any gaps deemed unsafe by TfNSW.

Hundreds of workers, fourteen subcontractors, three principal contractors, one joint venture and eighteen months of meticulous planning came down to just eight possession weekends to finish all works. Rotating twelve hour shifts of up to fifteen workers per shift on sites up to three hours from our Marrickville depot meant we were kept on our toes.

When the last panel was installed and the final cutback was made Perfect Contracting had trimmed over two kilometres of platform and installed almost eight hundred metres of precast panels. All on heritage listed train stations, all on time and with zero LTI’s or remaining defects.

Over 2km of Track Sawing completed to cut the platforms back
Over 800m of pre-cast panels installed on the platforms
Zero incidents or LTI’s throughout the project
Over 150 workers working on rotating 12hr shifts
Floated in over 87 individual plant & machinery


CLIENT – Downer

5000 metric tons is a lot of spoil to load out, let alone excavate. That’s 333 tippers, 157 quad dogs or 250 buckets from BMA’s Bucyrus 8750 dragline operating out of Peak Downs. The real mind-blowing part is that by the time our boots hit the ground we had less than a week to get it done.

Located in the vibrant LGA of Canterbury-Bankstown, early in 2020 the station itself was determined to be a prime Metro candidate by TfNSW – with Downer contracted as the principal. And after bringing home the Ashes from Birrong and other challenging stations, in April of this year Perfect won the demolition package.

A two week total shutdown of a stretch of the Liverpool line is a rare thing. Other necessary works that don’t often see the light of day start to creep in and time gets eroded very quickly. We must have done a cracking job on past TfNSW projects because the powers that be maintained complete faith in our ability to now complete these works in half the time. Let’s recap those numbers. 5000 tonnes. Demoed, excavated, loaded out, transported and stockpiled. In seven days. To this day he will maintain it was the brash Sydney winter that made his teeth chatter but there’s a fair chance this was the cause of Hisham quietly quivering.

As the nights and days marched on we dug to height, froze in the fog and rain and then dug some more. We didn’t have a choice but to keep moving – Concrete was craning in pre-cast for the new platform, sometimes as little as 10 minutes behind us. Such was the workload one night Puni walked 40 000 steps. It was a truly monolithic effort, and as the deadline neared we looked like we were actually going to make it! It’s important to note that we had nearly twenty machines operating at full noise in just an 800 sq. metre area for almost a hundred hours straight with no incidents. This doesn’t include the twenty other machines operated by other subbies. At 0600 Friday morning as Perfect operators, dumper drivers and labourers shut their machines down and ambled wearily over to Puni’s ute, the big fella declared victory. Not only did We Get It Done, we actually got it done in 96 hours. If you do the sums that’s over 500 tonnes an hour. Demoed, dug, trimmed, loaded, transported, tipped and stockpiled.

Removal/disposal of ACM street level station buildings
Removal of both platforms, each approx. 200m in length and 3.6m in width
Excavation, load out and trimming to a final height


Perfect have years of experience when it comes to demolition in the rail sector. Having completed hundreds of complex rail projects from multiple platform demolitions to full station demolition projects. Perfect has just about tackled every single scenario in the rail space.

Regardless of the scope, scale or complexity – Perfect Contracting’s major strength lies in fast, safe and efficient operation. With a history of complex rail projects under our belt, we can hand over your project on time and within budget regardless of it’s complexity. From permits to service disconnection and waste disposal, Perfect’s project management team offers the personalised touch that ensures your rail project is delivered to spec.

Rail Demolition Sydney


The key to Perfect’s continual success is down to one key factor, Our People.

Our crews are the ones out there doing the hard graft every single day, ensuring your project gets delivered on time, every time. Because that’s what we do. We get it done.

From management and operations to engineering and estimating to supervisors and ground workers – Perfect Contracting hires only the best. Continual improvement processes ensure regular training, new tickets and upskilling.

Experience in rail works Sydney - Perfect Contracting


Perfect operates its own fleet of heavy-duty state-of-the-art machinery ranging from nimble 0.8t excavators to large positracks to 35t excavators. Additionally we operate an armada of hook trucks and skips, tippers, EWP’s, forklifts, Brokks, lifts, scaffolding and almost every tool known to man.

With our continued investment in emerging technologies, safety and innovation, Perfect’s service scope ranges from the simple & straightforward to the thoroughly technical to the downright demanding.

Experience in rail sector Sydney - Perfect Contracting