Demolition heritage restoration in Bondi
Project Details
- Client City Link Piling - Tricon Construction
- Location 27 Paul Street, Bondi.
- Duration 3 months
Perfect Contracting was contracted by client City Link Piling to undertake civil/residential demolition heritage restoration works at 27 Paul Street, Bondi. We had to take very particular care during the demolition process due to the heritage status of the residence. We carried out heritage structural alterations, managed all the engineering & coordination with the heritage advisor.
We conducted bulk excavation of a one level basement, through marine sand up to 3.5m deeps & removal of spoil off site, including detailed excavation of all footings and piles. There was hazardous waste onsite that we had to remove as per the hazardous material report, including the removal from all asbestos eaves contaminated soil.
Excavation and disposal of all existing soil on all levels. Completion of detailed excavation works for the footings, slabs, services & capping beam. Pile trimming, excavation & detailing around the capping beam. All works were completed during business hours and we had our own skip bins on site to manage and dispose of all waste created on site.
Works went over the course of thee months., with approximately 2 operators on site per day. We used out 5T, 14T and 20T excavator and completed all works on time.